Lemonade tycoon 2 review
Lemonade tycoon 2 review

lemonade tycoon 2 review

There is a little bit more to it than this, though for starters there are 2 distinct game modes, an open-ended career which allows you to experiment and accumulate wealth as you conquer different locales and collect everything available, and a more focused (and our preferred) 30 day challenge tasking you with simply making as big a profit as you can within a month. Then it's back onto the management screen to make any appropriate tweaks in time for the next day's trading. Whilst this is interesting to watch on your first few days and essential when you move to a new pitch, it can become quite repetitive so you'll soon be reaching for the 'speed up' button or maybe even skipping it completely in order to get to the all important statistical tally of the day’s trading showing how many cups were sold, how satisfied your customers were and, crucially, how much moolah you've made. At which point the game switches to a security-camera eye's view of your stand and you get to watch customers wander past, stopping (or not – maybe you need to advertise more!) and commenting on your wares via mini speech bubbles so that you can see if people are happy with the recipe or dislike the taste, cost or price of your drinks. Although there's a surprising amount of flexibility to play with, the interface is well designed and allows you to use either your phone’s thumbstick or number key shortcuts to quickly set supply levels, recipes and upgrades until you're ready to hit the street. The back-end management bit is where you'll spend most of your time and make most of your decisions. The game itself is split into two sections. You'll also be able to invest in your business with machinery (from tills to ice-makers and even new stands) that will enable you to more lemonade more rapidly, keep your ingredients fresher and generally rake in more cash. Manage to succeed on your local street by building up a regular clientele of satisfied customers and you can then look at hiring out a more expensive but possibly more lucrative pitch in the park, city or even at the beach. Starting out with little more than $20 and a spot on the sidewalk (this is an American title, folks) your task is to buy supplies (basically lemons, sugar, ice and cups), decide upon a recipe that will be sweet but cost effective, set your prices, maybe do a little advertising and then try to sell as much lemonade as you can. We'd like to add to that if life also handed you paper cups, sugar, ice cubes, a little stall and a spot on the side of the street then you're in business! And that's exactly what Jamdat's popular strategy title has in store for you. There's a famous phrase that says, if life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

Lemonade tycoon 2 review